Gun Rights Canada




Anti-Freedom List

Rusty Wood Trading Co.

Peter Riedel

Rusty Wood Trading Co.
34239 Hartman Avenue
Mission, BC V2V 6B2



Peter the owner is the biggest lawless tyrant piece of human trash (if he is even human). By his own measure this copsucking liberal tyrant belongs in jail. Avoid this demon and his business like the plauge unless you want to turn into North Korea. You were warned and you will be to blame if you are supporting these sort of commies!

Tundra Supply

Mack Bullen                           

Phone: 587-557-1199 

15355 116 Ave                                         

Edmonton, Alberta T5M 3Z5           Email 


They do not know gun laws and refuse to follow them. They continue to do backdoor registry things and collect PAL information in order to do sales that do not require one. They claim to be Edmonton's newest let's do our best to make it the shortest run possible. Anti-Freedom definately avoid.

The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters 

Execectives too many to list 

The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters
PO Box 2800 / 4601 Guthrie Dr.
Peterborough, Ontario Canada
K9J 8L5

Email: vasious contacts see website


We contacted numerous people at the OFAH and did not receive any reply. We must assume since they were the ones most actvievely speading communnnist gun control propaganda along with other anti-gun commmie organizaions like Candian Sporting Arms & Ammuniton Assosiation (csaaa), that they are fully pushing this gun control and are fully 100% no different from the psychopaths in government wishing to have ever increasing gun control (i.e. commuist people control). Do not give organizations like these a dime and cancel your memberships unless you want to be counted among these treasousnous backstabing commies. 

Candian Sporting Arms & Ammuniton Assosiation

Many executives who are also retailers 

Candian Sporting Arms & Ammuniton Assosiation (csaaa)     

Phone: 705-875-2302

K0C 1L0 CANADA        



We contacted the CSAAA as they were promoting the flase and misleading anti-gun ownerhsip  information. Openly claiming that there is now a requirement to have a license to purchase relaoding components such as propellent powders and primers which you of course do not (ironically easily found if you are to actually go to the website they link to and folllow the links and read the law maybe a 15 minute read total). Many executives of this organization are also retailers such as the President Wes Winkel from Elwood Epps & Director Matthew Phalen of Savage Arms Canada. (a full list is available here: We encourage you to not do business with any of these openly atnti-Freedom anti-gun Rights companies who are so deeply involved in intentionally spreading this sort of anti-gun Rights communist propaganda!

Gunpost Seller: Dragon6177 

Gun Post seller who goes byt Dragon6177

First name Doug (Ford maybe as he is certainly a total anti-Freedom commie)

Ignore the positive reviews like you would the accolades for a pedophile priest caught with his pants down with a child. This anti-Freedom retard was literally demanding a PAL to buy a few percussion caps despite even the RCMP clearly stating on their own website that there is no such legal requirement. He acknowledged, buy not addressing this anti-Freedom gun-control move, that he "more of a libtard then the RCMP faggots and Trudeau! "Do not do business with the person on gunpost and if you know if they have any other role in the gun community please contact and let us know.


Mike & Fred Ward                


760 Boul. St-Joseph


J2C 2C3



They do not know gun laws and refuse to follow them. I gave them the benefit of the doubt and walked them through the law slowly as I felt there might could have been a language barrier since they are Quebec based. However, it was very clear that they did not care what the law was and just kept arrogantly insisting they knew better without actully taking 10 minutes to actually read the law! They then cancelled our order for no lawful reason. Since they did not actually accept payment they are free to do so but we are also free to call them out as the Trudeau loving, pro-guncontol bunch of commies that they are and did not deny being in their replies to us. While, in this case,  these low iq butt buddies are likley just ignorant. since they were unwilling to take a few minutes to actually know the relevant laws related to their business (when it was spoon fed to them) we are submitting them for blacklisting in the gun community.  Put your money elsewhere and support Freedom!



Phone: 613-372-2662


4567 Rd 38
Harrowsmith, ON
K0H 1V0




Noticed that their website was demanding a PAL for items that do not require a PAL. So we contacted them and explained that there was no requirement and that they were being even bigger commies losers than Trudeau and the RCMP. They refused to listen and insisted on listening to the idiots at CSAAA who do not know a things about what they are talking about! Kept telling me to read a e-notice pamphlet but refused to read the actual law that i was sending them that the notice directed you to!

Do not support unrepentant anti-Freedom commies like this if you value Freedom. They took no issues with being lumped in with commies like Trudeau and clearly are even larger proponents of gun control as they are pushing even more restrictive gun control than Trudeau and the RCMP thugs! 


Town Post

Steve Bizuns

Town Post 
Barhead, Alberta, Canada




Steve does a lot of business with Rustywood owner Peter who is total piece of human garbage that I would not piss on if it prevented a forest fire! He defended him despite peter making death threats on the Townpost platform. Steve also is exceptionally pro-cop (picture some spineless coward literally licking a boot over and over again) and also does business with various government agencies. 

We recently posted an ad on TownPost to inform the gun community of the misleading information circulating in the gun community (that has infected many retailers) namely that a PAL is now required for purchasing propellent powders, primers, etc. Steve deleted out ad without talking to us or giving a reason for such a commie move. We then reached out to him and crickets. Steve is a commie piece of shit do not use Townpost. Try Gunpost or elsewhere or at the very least, if you find this censor happy platform useful for local in person sales, do not pay for any ads!!!

Replica Airguns

Max & Alena                        

Phone: 888-314-0391

Address not on website 




Attempting to puchase an umarex airsaber air gun (they look pretty cool and also seem like a practical prep). I then learned that this company not only have zero basic ingerity and lie to your face but that they also have a backdoor to log your private information whom they disclose with unnamed 3rd parties.

They do not even sell PAL required items whatsoever but insist on your IP address matching the email that you provided in your order and thus will not accept it if you choose to be privacy orientated and choose to use a VPN (something you all shold be doing now with the tyranical government). I contacted my card company who said nothing flagged on their end and that the transaction processed fine. I spoke with very rude CSRs (Alex and Max) who had zero integrity and refused to honor my order despite taking my money my verifiying multiple times with them my email, adddress, etc. and in the case of max telling me that it was fine and then going ahead and cancelling my order anyways despite my providing them with eveythihg tney asked for and having already charge me for it (i.e., breaking our contract without consent). What acutally appears to have happend is that they did not have any air sabers in stock as their website now shows "out of stock" but they lacked the basic ingeity to just appoligize for the inconvience and offer a discount on future purchases like a normal company would do.

Do not suport anti-Freedom commies like this if you value Freedom. Do as I have and pay a bit more to not support these liberal commies and eventually they will go out of business. Your dollar is a vote. You were warned and you will be to blame if you are supporting these sort of commies!

Next company posted whenever I receive your emails 






Reasons that they are anti-Freedom and should be avoided will be provided here. 
We will not censor you submissions though they may be condensed at our discretion for brevity. We do however ask that you keep it clean as possible. Calling someone a commie is something we certainly do as are calling them out for being anti-Christ, anti-Freedom,etc. While again we will not censor you please only use colorful laguarge if you feel you really must. And plese do not bring needless things like race or gender into it unless its fully relelvant (e.g., someone being ignorant of the law because of being new to the country) as it may detract from the message you are attempting to convey . 

Pierre Poilievre 

Justin Trudeau

They are exactly the same!!!


2 cheeks on the exact same ass producing the exact same thing from within.

So wake up and realize that just voting for another tyrant is not going to solve anything!



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