Gun Rights Canada


Rights and Laws



Gun Rights are Basic God Given Rights 


The most basic of Rights is your ability to protect yourself and your family from violence. Whether it is at the hands of lone actors, criminal gang, the state or even states in the case or wars.invasions. 

Rights are not bestowed by governments but only ever acknoleged by them as they are a priori. That means that no one can ever take them away either. They may lawlessly come after you as is the playbook for tyrants throughout history. But the Rights remain. Even if you were to be lawfully locked up for the rest of your natural life you would still have the God given Right to Keep and Bear Arms. What you would not have is the Liberty to excercise that Right for practical purposes. 

However, this only applies when you have violated the God given Rights of another human being where as society we can deem that it is acceptable in God's eyes to remove your Liberty or Liberties. In some instances like an active self defense situation that is the Liberty to continue living. At other times since we live in more civilized times we allow people to live but with conditons that restrct their Liberty in one way or another.


As many Freedom loving people noticed to be abundantly clear during the covid 19 scam was that the state has been treatiing us all like convicted criminals who have violated the Rights of others.


The state and those working for it by extension are meant to be our slaves not our masters. That was what the Founding Fathers of the America held to be true and is the only way that any sort of legitimate governance can exist. 


Do I need a license?


You do not need a PAL (firearms liscense) inorder to aquire, poseess or use propellant powders (either smokeless or black) or things like primers and percussion caps. And of course you do not require any liscense to aquire, posesss or use brass or shot shell casings, wads, projectiles (such as bullets, slugs, buckshot), etc. You are permitted even under restrictive Candain laws to not only posesss these components but to assemble them into live small arms cartridges for your own personal use. 


Here is the relevant legislation which is curernt as of 2025 can't expect it to be to the day end of Jaunary 2025 is very recent (last amended on 2024-05-03 and curernt as of 2025-01-22):


Rules for Users


Marginal note:Acquisition

296 A user may acquire and store propellant powder and percussion caps, whether or not they hold a licence. A user may manufacture small arms cartridges and black powder cartouches for their own personal use and may store them, whether or not they hold a licence. A user who acquires propellant powder or percussion caps or manufactures small arms cartridges or black powder cartouches must comply with this Division.

SOR/2022-121, s. 4

SOR/2024-77, s. 145


In fact the criminal code defines ammunition as being something designed to be discharged from a firearm. So you can use your own manufacured small arms cartridges in antique status guns without the need for a PAL as under Canadian law these are not firearms


Section 84 (1) of the Criminal code: 

84 (1) In this Part,


ammunition means a cartridge containing a projectile designed to be discharged from a firearm and, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, includes a caseless cartridge and a shot shell; (munitions)


antique firearm means

(a) any firearm manufactured before 1898 that was not designed to discharge rim-fire or centre-fire ammunition and that has not been redesigned to discharge such ammunition, or

(b) any firearm that is prescribed to be an antique firearm; (arme à feu historique)



To further clarify what a prescribed antique firearm is as defined above in 84 (1) (b) we can find this here:


Regulations Prescribing Antique Firearms





1 The firearms listed in the schedule are antique firearms for the purposes of paragraph (b) of the definition antique firearm in subsection 84(1) of the Criminal Code.


Coming into Force

2 These Regulations come into force on December 1, 1998.

SOR/98-472, s. 3


SCHEDULE(Section 1)Black Powder Reproductions

1 A reproduction of a flintlock, wheel-lock or matchlock firearm, other than a handgun, manufactured after 1897.



2 A rifle manufactured before 1898 that is capable of discharging only rim-fire cartridges, other than 22 Calibre Short, 22 Calibre Long or 22 Calibre Long Rifle cartridges.


3 A rifle manufactured before 1898 that is capable of discharging centre-fire cartridges, whether with a smooth or rifled bore, having a bore diameter of 8.3 mm or greater, measured from land to land in the case of a rifled bore, with the exception of a repeating firearm fed by any type of cartridge magazine.



4 A shotgun manufactured before 1898 that is capable of discharging only rim-fire cartridges, other than 22 Calibre Short, 22 Calibre Long or 22 Calibre Long Rifle cartridges.


5 A shotgun manufactured before 1898 that is capable of discharging centre-fire cartridges, other than 10, 12, 16, 20, 28 or 410 gauge cartridges.



6 A handgun manufactured before 1898 that is capable of discharging only rim-fire cartridges, other than 22 Calibre Short, 22 Calibre Long or 22 Calibre Long Rifle cartridges.


7 A handgun manufactured before 1898 that is capable of discharging centre-fire cartridges, other than a handgun designed or adapted to discharge 32 Short Colt, 32 Long Colt, 32 Smith and Wesson, 32 Smith and Wesson Long, 32-20 Winchester, 38 Smith and Wesson, 38 Short Colt, 38 Long Colt, 38-40 Winchester, 44-40 Winchester, or 45 Colt cartridges.





It is importatnt to note regarding antique firearms that they are not deemed firearms for most purposes but that they are deemeed firearms for some limited purposes (e.g., if you point it at some one to commite a robbery but the same would apply to using a water pistol in the same scenario)


Certain weapons deemed not to be firearms

(3) For the purposes of sections 91 to 95, 99 to 101, 103 to 107 and 117.03 of this Act and the provisions of the Firearms Act, the following weapons are deemed not to be firearms:

(a) any antique firearm;


Exception — antique firearms

(3.1) Notwithstanding subsection (3), an antique firearm is a firearm for the purposes of regulations made under paragraph 117(h) of the Firearms Act and subsection 86(2) of this Act.


Section 86 (2) is about the Contravention of storage regulations, etc. listed in 117 (h) of the Firearms Act:

(h) regulating the storage, handling, transportation, shipping, display, advertising and mail-order sale of firearms and restricted weapons and defining the expression “mail-order sale” for the purposes of this Act;


To further clarify these regulations we can find more informaiton here:


Antique Firearms


14 (1) An individual may store, display or transport an antique firearm only if it is unloaded.

(2) An individual may transport an antique firearm in an unattended vehicle only if

(a) when the vehicle is equipped with a trunk or similar compartment that can be securely locked, the antique firearm is in that trunk or compartment and the trunk or compartment is securely locked; and

(b) when the vehicle is not equipped with a trunk or similar compartment that can be securely locked, the antique firearm is not visible from outside the vehicle and the vehicle, or the part that contains the antique firearm, is securely locked.

(3) An individual may transport an antique firearm that is a handgun only if it is in a locked container that is made of an opaque material and is of such strength, construction and nature that it cannot readily be broken open or into or accidentally opened during transportation.


For further clarification Unloaded is defined:


unloaded, in respect of a firearm, means that any propellant, projectile or cartridge that can be discharged from the firearm is not contained in the breech or firing chamber of the firearm nor in the cartridge magazine attached to or inserted into the firearm. (non chargée)


It is important to recognize two things here unlike firearms, precribed antiques (which are non-firearms under law), can have cartridge ammuntion in proximatey when being stored or transported just not one in the chamber ready to go. Secondly, this applies only to storage, display or transportation not to being in use. Thus you can openly carry these guns with you loaded as well as keeping them on the ready when under your direct care and control (you can have a gun loaded leaning against the wall besdies you or on a night stand while you read a book or watch a documentary but you cannot leave them loaded in your house when you go grocery shopping in town). That being said other laws may come into play depending on where you are and you could face (in our opinion unlawful) charges if you are just walking down the street with a hostered revolver on your hip. If its concealed then they may try to come after you for it being concealed really you cannot win in this police state! But lawfully you can have it. 

While you do not need proof of your antique firearms I would highly reccomend that you have proof and that you take a lot of photos and video and store them both online, with someone close to you you can trust that does not reside with you but would be able to send them to lawyer if you were wrongfully chaged and not given bail/denied consent release bail. Otherwise, the cops can say whatever they want and if you have no proof available good luck fighting it from the inside!



Pierre Poilievre 

Justin Trudeau

They are exactly the same!!!


2 cheeks on the exact same ass producing the exact same thing from within.

So wake up and realize that just voting for another tyrant is not going to solve anything!




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