Gun Rights Canada

The Law

Many stores, like yours, seem to be mistakenly believing that the laws regarding propellent powders, etc. changed last year for Users (i.e., whom retailers like you are allowed to sell to) when they did not but only changed for Buyers (i.e., the people that buy directly from the manufacturer and sell to retailers like yourselves).
Most people have sadly been too lazy to read the laws so I will lay it out for you as clearly as possible and walk you through it (I am guessing you got the misinformation rom some sort of anti-gun, controlled opposition, in bed with the commies like Trudeau and Poilievre, organizations who are posting things like this: They are plain wrong and are also being called out by the Freedom orientated gun community).  
First go to Natural Resources Canada  (as the "new law"/ "new regulations" are attributed to them and its what is linked to in the popular misinformation)
Next where it says 

"The following guidance is for anyone buying, selling and/or storing ammunition (small arms cartridges) and propellant powders (black and smokeless powder), as well as blank cartridges for tools and primers. For situations not covered here, including exemptions and conditions, consult the Explosives Regulations."

Click on Explosives Regulations (


Here you can clearly see the laws that are applicable and that its current dated as of 2025-01-22

Which then state the following (though read it all in its entirely from start to finish maybe a couple of times if you need to as people get stuck on terms like Buyer and User as we use buyer colloquially to mean anyone making a purchase but the term here only applies to distributers):

"user means a person who acquires small arms cartridges for use. (utilisateur)"


277 A retailer may sell small arms cartridges only to a user.

Rules for Users

Marginal note:Acquisition

278 A user may acquire and store small arms cartridges, whether or not they hold a licence. A user who acquires small arms cartridges must comply with this Division."


and again:


"Rules for Users


Marginal note:Acquisition

296 A user may acquire and store propellant powder and percussion caps, whether or not they hold a licence. A user may manufacture small arms cartridges and black powder cartouches for their own personal use and may store them, whether or not they hold a licence. A user who acquires propellant powder or percussion caps or manufactures small arms cartridges or black powder cartouches must comply with this Division."


If after actually reading the law in its entirety (only relevant excerpts are provided above) if what we have outlined still does not make sense then please consult a expert such as a specialized firearms lawyer. But it should be clear as day if you simply read it in its entirely. We expect that you will rectify your tyrancial error and promptly change your anti-gun commie policies (I mean objectively you are being more pro gun-control then Trudeau and the RCMP!!!)
Again, to be clear, there is no OIC that requires a PAL for powders, primers, etc. I hope that you will take this seriously, recognize your error, and have the integrity to correct your anti-Freedom, pro gun control mistake.
We would Love too highlight your company and drive business to you through our organization, or at the very least not have to blacklist you. I pray that you do not arrogantly assume that you already know, because you have trust in some 3rd party organization or lying commie tyrant government official, etc. 
Again, if you have doubts good! That is better then ignoring this (but again we feel its pretty obvious what the law says and what it does not if you read it thoroughly from beginning to end)  But if its not clear, good, don't just trust me and our organization! Get in touch with some actual experts (e.g., a specialized firearms lawyer) and not some communist clowns who do nothing for Gun Rights and just parrot pro-government talking points. We need real advocates for Gun Rights in Canada or we will have the possession of spoons banned as it is in the UK now! 
Gun Rights Canada


Pierre Poilievre 

Justin Trudeau

They are exactly the same!!!


2 cheeks on the exact same ass producing the exact same thing from within.

So wake up and realize that just voting for another tyrant is not going to solve anything!



This website is new (as is our Gun Rights group) but we wanted to get it live even if it did not look the prettiest. We will be refining it and aim to develop it as a resource to those who value Freedom. We aim to provide knowledge of your Rights and the tyranical laws and to provide support to one another with the end goal of unrestirrcted Gun Rights for all. 

We welcome your suggestions and contribtions and if you wish to volunterr please reach out to us to get involved. Presently, we require auditors and people to spread the message on social media either formally throrugh writing articles or posting videos or informally by linking to our website and spreading the pro-Freedom message. 


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