So what are we doing?




Action Plan

While we have been a big vision of a an actual Free country where we can walk around Freely bearing arms without organized gangs being legitmized to terrorize, kidnap and kill us for the non-crime of simply excercising our God given Rights. 

Presently, what we are working on is spreading awareness of the covert guncontrol being imposed by backstabbing businesses and organizations whom you might have felt
were even pillars in the gun community but are instead wolves in sheep's clothing profiting off of you will pushing for greater tyranny. Organizations like the CCFR, the NFA, and companies you will find listed on our website. Who might evenn openly complain about tyrants like Trudeau but then go even further than Trudeau and the RCMP and imopse even greater gun control (i.e., people control) then even them!

We are thus exposing them after first attempting to reach out and educate them. If they refuse to listen/look at the Truth that has been presented to them and correct their errors (while most do not deserve it we give them all the benifit of the doubt adn the opportunity to do better) only then are they blacklisted. So make no mistake if they are on the website they are openly anti-gun pro commies by thier own measure and admisssion.