Canadian Gun Rights appear to be virtually non-existent because we keep allowing tyrants to walk over our God given basic protected Right to keep and use firearms. Rights however can never be taken away and always remain no matter how trampled on they may be.
So many Canadians, including many gun owners do not even realize/consider that gun ownership and use is not only a God given basic Right but is already protected under law (and yes this includes self defence, carrying a gun for self defense, etc.).
Instead, so many have just accepted government lies that the ownership and use of firearms is only a privilege and that only the state policy enforcers are allowed to carry guns.
However, still on the books (as it would be treasonous to remove it unless we left the commonwealth and became say the 51st state or a even just a sovereign nation), is the English Bill of Rights which states very clearly that "Protestants may have arms for their defence suitable to their conditions". This is the same legislation that enshrined Free Speech and was the precursor to the American 2nd Amendment which is more strongly worded with "shall not be infringed".
So I ask you as a gun owner. Are you for Freedom or are you for liberal anti-Freedom policies like those of anti-Christ tyrants like Pierre Poilievre and Justin Trudeau? Who both believe that some animals are more equal than others and that grown men need the permisson from other grown men to excercise Basic Human Rights
We are also going to highlight Freedom orientated firearms related business as well as actively throw under the bus those who do belong in the gun community as they do not value basic Freedoms and are frankly copsucking libtard bootlickers. Sadly, there are more anti-Freedom commie tyrants out there then decent Freedom orientated folks. So our warnings on whom to avoid will be posted first. We also do not want to publiclly highlight those busineses who are doing the right thing and make them targets so we will only post accolades with their permission/request to be included. But we do endeavor to link to those busineses and drive all the business there (for transparency sake we can disclose that none of the founders presently have gun businesses and at most engage in active privates sales should this change we will disclose it to youand insure no conflicts of interst).
We are compiling this list initially from our own experiences but we will add to it if you submit credible evidence of either positive or negative experiences and/or expressly stated policies. Any submissions require a valid contact info (be private by all means but if we cannot contact you then we likley will not be adding it.)
Lastly, if you are a business/seller mentioned, we will only consider altering our ratings if you publicly acknowledge your error and make direct amends in the form of public dissent (e.g., actively engaging in dissent like Bruce Montague did).
If you are one of the good guys we thank you and encourage you to doante to our progun efforts as organizations like the CCFR and NFA are a total joke and waste of time and money! Presently we are not seeking anything and are unequipped to receive anything but accolades and information. But we will soon be able to accept finacial contributions to assist us in Making Canada Great Again or alteranvely to join the USA as a 51st state or states and have our most basic God gieven human Rights respected.
Pierre Poilievre
Justin Trudeau
They are exactly the same!!!
2 cheeks on the exact same ass producing the exact same thing from within.
So wake up and realize that just voting for another tyrant is not going to solve anything!
This website is new (as is our Gun Rights group) but we wanted to get it live even if it did not look the prettiest. We will be refining it and aim to develop it as a resource to those who value Freedom. We aim to provide knowledge of your Rights and the tyranical laws and to provide support to one another with the end goal of unrestirrcted Gun Rights for all.
We welcome your suggestions and contribtions and if you wish to volunterr please reach out to us to get involved. Presently, we require auditors and people to spread the message on social media either formally throrugh writing articles or posting videos or informally by linking to our website and spreading the pro-Freedom message.